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SEND Green Paper – an overview of the Government’s plans

SEND Green Paper – an overview of the Government’s plans

Plans are underway to transform the support provided to children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) as part of a new national education plan, as outlined in the Government’s SEND and Alternative Provision Green Paper.

The Green Paper follows the SEND Review and families are now being invited to have their say on how the new system will be shaped. The proposals aim to improve a system that has been criticised for being a postcode lottery, leaving many young people with poor outcomes.

The Green Paper proposals at a glance

 New national standards will be set across education, health and care to boost performance across the SEND system.

  • Educational, Health and Care Plans (EHCP) will be simplified and made digital to reduce bureaucracy. It is envisaged that this will give parents access to information on appropriate placements to make informed choices.
  • ‘Local inclusion dashboards’ will be published to improve transparency to make information more accessible to parents and young people.
  • Local authorities will be legally required to introduce ‘local inclusion plans’ to give more certainty on who is responsible for and when across early years, school and post-16 education.
  • The ‘culture and practice’ within mainstream education are to be changed to become more inclusive for children with SEND. The ability to identify and provide help is to be improved by targeted support and earlier intervention.
  • A new national framework for councils will be created for banding and tariffs for high needs to match the national standard. It is hoped this will provide families with clarity on the level of support they can expect and help make the system more financially sustainable for the future.
  • Workforce training will be improved with the introduction of a new SENCo NPQ for school SENCos and to boost the number of staff in early years settings with an accredited level 3 qualification.

Legal challenge results in DfE cancelling 19 academy orders

Legal challenge results in DfE cancelling 19 academy orders

The DfE has backed down on academy orders which would have forced 19 schools to join a church MAT, following a legal challenge.

The legal action was brought by four education unions after Catholic Hallam Diocese schools were issues academy orders with their governors’ express consent.

The diocese, which covers South Yorkshire, Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire, had originally sought to academise all voluntary Catholic schools in its catchment and, as a result, the DfE issued academy orders in December 2021, even though such directives are normally only handed down as a result of “inadequate” Ofsted inspections.

Head teachers and governors at the affected schools expressed shock and surprise that the orders had been issues without their consultation and the unions mounted a legal challenge, citing the fact that the governors had note voted on the matter and the orders were therefore void.

As a result, the DfE has now agreed to formally withdraw academy orders for all 19 schools.

Kevin Courtney, general secretary of the National Education Union, added: “This is a victory for common sense, and an important line in the sand.”

A spokesperson for the DfE said: “We continue to work with the Diocese of Hallam as they establish academy trusts in consultation with their schools, and will issue new academy orders in due course once formal applications are made by the relevant schools’ governing bodies.”

If you need legal advice or support either with a MAT application or to challenge academy orders, please get in touch with our expert education team.

Independent schools diversify to weather financial strains

Independent schools diversify to weather financial strains

Independent schools and universities in the UK are diversifying their revenue streams to stay afloat, according to a new report by education insurance provider, Endsleigh.

In a bid to prop up dwindling revenue from more traditional sources, the report found that one in five (22%) independent schools have partnered with commercial organisations.

Amongst independent schools and universities surveyed, 40% had reviewed supply contracts in an effort to find local or better value options.

A third (33%) of independent schools and more than a quarter (27%) of universities admitted they had also increased the number of fundraising events to raise much needed funding.

Whilst funding continues to be a primary focus, the study found that private schools and universities are redoubling their efforts to hire and retain staff, with 85% of institutions taking action to make the working environment and employee wellbeing a key aspect of recruitment and retention.

Amongst the most popular initiatives being offered is hybrid working, with half (50%) of universities and just under 40% of independent schools confirming they have introduced a flexible working policy.

Despite the continued strain on resources, over a quarter (28%) in the sector said they had increased salaries, with just under a quarter (24%) increasing pension contributions.

The report’s authors also found that green credentials are becoming increasingly important, with 12% saying they were introducing plans to achieve net zero emissions or reduce their carbon footprint.

What are your responsibilities as an employer when it comes to workplace banter?

What are your responsibilities as an employer when it comes to workplace banter?

Banter can be a controversial subject. To some, it is simply light-hearted teasing that a team can bond over. Yet to others, it can be interpreted as being a hallmark of a hostile workplace culture where bullying is rife.

Interpreting which actions cross the line and which do not is a tightrope, and as an employer you need to tread carefully to ensure your staff are protected from unacceptable behaviour.

Samantha Randall, an Associate Solicitor with Palmers, who specialises in employment law, said: “Workplace harassment is defined as: “unwanted behaviour linked to a protected characteristic that violates someone’s dignity or creates an offensive environment for them.

“The problem is that one person’s “banter” can easily be another person’s “harassment”.

“The biggest employment law risk is when things touch on protected characteristics under the Equality Act.”

According to the Equality Act, the following characteristics are protected by law:

  • Age
  • Gender reassignment
  • Being married or in a civil partnership
  • Being pregnant or on maternity leave
  • Disabilities
  • Race including colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin
  • Religion or belief
  • Sex
  • Sexual orientation.

Samantha added: “The widespread use of technology and social media means that the risks of workplace harassment are compounded, due to increased communication between employees outside of the workplace; whether by way of video calls or through text messages or instant messaging apps.

“As an employer, you should have in place a clear bullying and harassment policy so if a member of staff feels they are the subject of bullying or harassment, they are able, in the first instance, to raise the matter internally.

“It is important to take all complaints of harassment seriously, particularly if it is an allegation of bullying in relation to a protected characteristic under the Equality Act, as a failure to do so could lead to legal action and a possible employment tribunal.”

For help and advice on all aspects of employment law, please get in touch with us.

Staff working longer hours to cope with the cost-of-living crisis

Staff working longer hours to cope with the cost-of-living crisis

The cost-of-living crisis is having a significant effect on the wellbeing of many workers, with nearly a third seeking extra hours to make ends meet.

A recent poll shows that 31 per cent reported working more hours and extra shifts over the last few months because of the increased living costs.

It also showed that 46 per cent attended the workplace when sick because they can’t afford to lose out on earnings.

People affected in different ways

Experts have encouraged employers to have financial wellbeing policies in place, warning the cost-of-living crisis is affecting everyone differently.

The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development suggests employers (even with a limited budget) can help staff by implementing a policy that informs their workforce they can get free, confidential, and independent money and debt advice from the Government’s Money and Pensions Service.

In addition, a financial wellbeing policy could include:

  • Ensuring the workforce is fully aware of all the benefits currently on offer and how to make the most of them.
  • Showing empathy and concern and encouraging them to start talking about money worries at work.
  • Ideally committing to paying a fair and liveable wage, supporting in-work progression, enhancing benefits packages, and offering financial education.

In the poll of 1,006 workers conducted by HR software suppliers CIPHR, the number of those working when ill rose to 56 per cent when looking specifically at those earning £30,000 per year or less. This dropped to just 37 per cent for higher earners on £45,000 a year or more.

To cope with the increased living costs, just over a quarter of men (26 per cent) and 18 per cent of women (26 per cent) asked for a pay rise.

Many are voting with their feet

Stress was another factor in the survey, with two-thirds (68 per cent) feeling overwhelmed because of the financial crisis.

When broken down, the figures showed women were more likely than men to report feeling this way (74 per cent and 61 per cent respectively).

Many are voting with their feet, with 12 per since finding employment and 27 per cent looking for a new job.

Samantha Randall, an Employment Law expert at Palmers, gives her tips: “You know your business better than anyone, but keeping on top of HR and employment law issues such as handling employment contracts can create extra pressures that may distract you from building and growing your business.

At Palmers Solicitors, we offer all the expert employment law and HR services you are looking for, either to support your in-house team or on an outsourced basis.”

For help and advice on matters relating to employment law, contact our expert team today.

How to handle the heatwave at the workplace

How to handle the heatwave at the workplace

As we are experiencing a flux in temperatures now – with some days reaching above 30 degrees, it is vital as an employer to ensure the workplace temperature is reasonable.

While there is no law for a maximum working temperature in the UK for when it is too hot to work, employers need to stick to health and safety laws. These include:

  • Maintaining the temperature at a comfortable level, also known as a thermal comfort
  • Providing fresh and clean air into the office

Employees need to talk to their employer if the workplace temperature is not comfortable.

But employers should note the six basic factors that can usually cause discomfort.

The environmental factors include:

  • Air temperature
  • Air velocity
  • Humidity
  • Radiant temperature

The personal factors include:

  • Clothing Insulation
  • Metabolic heat

How can employers combat the heat wave?

  • Implement earlier finishes
  • Open the windows
  • Provide enough fans for staff is no air conditioner
  • Provide shaded areas for outdoor work
  • Provide water
  • Relax the dress code
  • Should your employees do manual labour outside, consider altering lunch hours to make sure they are not working at the hottest time of the day

These steps may seem simple, but they can make a dramatic difference to your employees’ comfort at work, which will see productivity increase and reduce the potential for grievances.

Samantha Randall, an Employment Law expert at Palmers, said: “To ensure your employees are comfortable in the workplace during the heatwave, speak to them about their requirements for tackling the heat, as not everyone will be the same.

You must also ensure you follow health and safety laws so that your employees are looked after during the increased temperatures.”

For guidance on employment law, contact our expert team today.