Looking to grow your business and professional contacts? Look no further! - Palmers Solicitors

Looking to grow your business and professional contacts? Look no further!

Looking to grow your business and professional contacts? Look no further!

At Palmers Solicitors, we understand the value of building a solid circle of business and professional contacts, which is why we are pleased to be involved with the popular BASS Business breakfast.

Held on a quarterly basis, our BASS Business Breakfasts provide the perfect opportunity to extend and renew your professional contacts in a friendly, informal setting.

Our next event on Wednesday 11 March 2020 will take place at Club Kingswood, Basildon, at 7.45am for an 8am start.

If you feel a colleague or professional contact might also benefit from attending, please get in touch with us and we will arrange to send them an invitation.

Attendance costs £15 per person, plus VAT. You can book your place, and pay here