The art of the amicable divorce - Palmers Solicitors
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The art of the amicable divorce

The art of the amicable divorce

Divorce is often thought of as a confrontational matter. This idea is exacerbated by the fact that, in order to divorce through the Courts within two years of a split, couples are expected to demonstrate that their marriage has broken down ‘irretrievably’ on grounds of unreasonable behaviour – a task which can often lead to ‘playing the blame game’.

In recent years, commentators have been calling for the introduction of no-fault divorce in England and Wales, which would enable couples who share a desire to split amicably to do so in a less confrontational way.

A divorce does not need to turn into a bitter, argumentative dispute.

Kevin Double, Consultant and family law expert with Palmers Solicitors, explains: “Contrary to popular belief, if a couple has fallen out of love on non-confrontational terms and both parties are willing to pursue an amicable split, there are other options available aside from lengthy Court battles.

“The trick is finding the right solicitor – someone who truly understands the situation and has the right background and experience to help you draw up a fair agreement and get this swiftly approved by the Family Court.”

Kevin said that couples should always consider the bigger picture – such as the impact on children and finances – before diving head-first into bitter disputes.

“By communicating your intentions clearly and rationally with your partner and understanding each other’s needs, it is entirely possible to divorce amicably. This can help to avoid any unnecessary acrimony – which is crucial, especially in sensitive cases involving children,” he said.

“Naturally, this is easier said than done. But with the right patience and the right advice, it can be achieved.

“Whatever steps you take, the key is always to work through your own concerns without ignoring those of the other party,” he said.

Palmers Solicitors advise on all aspects of Family Law. For more information, please contact Kevin Double or another member of our South Woodham Ferrers Family Law team at