References - Palmers Solicitors
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Are you worried about what your former employer might say about you? Have you lost the prospect of a new job as a result of a poor or untruthful reference?

Whilst there is no legal obligation for former employers to provide a reference if they do, they have a duty of care to ensure it is fair, accurate and not misleading. The majority of employers tend to only give factual references stating dates of employment, job title and salary.

If however you think your former employer has given a bad reference you may be able to claim for damages for negligent misstatement however you must be able to show that:

  • the information was misleading or inaccurate:
  • you have suffered a loss such as withdrawal of a job offer; and
  • that your former employer was negligent in doing so.

You may also be able to claim damages if your employment contract says your former employer must be given a reference but they refuse to or you are dismissed because your employer has been asked to give a reference whilst you are still working for them.

If you feel you have been subjected to a poor reference by a former employer we can provide expert advice and assistance in order to assess as to whether you may have a potential claim against your former employer.

If you would like to talk in confidence to one of our experienced solicitors or have any questions about your employment rights then please call us on 01268 240000 or email us at

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