Are you unhappy with the terms of your contract of employment? Are you aware of how they may affect you? Would you like these negotiated?
It is only when a problem at work arises that the small print in a contract of employment proves to be an issue. The law can also change and therefore it is advisable to have an employment contract review not only when starting a new job or if promotion is offered, but also as a matter of course.
An employment contract review can flag up any potential issues involving:
- data protection;
- benefits;
- pensions benefits;
- restrictive covenants;
- share entitlements; and
- bonus schemes.
If you are unsure about the terms of your contract or would like to negotiate these before signing we can provide expert advice and assistance to guide you through each clause and the implications they may have.
If you would like to talk in confidence to one of our experienced solicitors or have any questions about your employment rights then please call us on 01268 240000 or email us at