A raft of employment legislation, increased employee awareness of their legal rights coupled with difficult economic circumstances has resulted in a significant increase in the number of employment claims being submitted to the Employment Tribunal Service.
To help local businesses minimise the potential for employment disputes and their consequences Palmers is offering PACS as a fully integrated compliance and employment disputes insurance product.
PACS is a fixed price service which is intended to help businesses avoid employment disputes by ensuring that they are operating to the best standards of employment practice and procedures. This involves the specialist team of employment solicitors at Palmers undertaking an annual audit of key employment documents and procedures.
PACS also offers a dedicated helpline whereby businesses will be able to contact one of Palmers’ expert solicitors by telephone to seek advice on employment issues when it is needed, so enabling businesses to deal with any employment disputes swiftly and effectively. Unlike other solutions in the marketplace, PACS members will not be directed to an impersonal call centre to speak to someone who is not legally qualified and who does not have an in-depth knowledge of your business.
And, if in spite of the support and advice provided, an employment tribunal claim should occur, Palmers’ PACS service includes an insurance policy which will provide cover for legal costs and most awards and settlements of up to £250,000 per claim. In addition to the expert personal nature of Palmers’ advisory service, the insurance company behind PACS have authorised us to handle claims on your behalf under the policy. This means that PACS members will have a seamless risk management and insurance protection that you can depend upon.
The PACS service offers businesses the certainty of knowing that they have on hand expert advice, support and financial protection all for a low fixed annual fee and Palmers are confident that PACS will far outperform similar solutions in the marketplace.
To find out more about how PACS can support, advise and protect your business against employment disputes, please contact a member of the employment team at Palmers.
PACS – Working together to provide fully integrated employment disputes protection.
For more information about the scheme please contact a member of our specialist Employment team on 01268 240 000 or email Employment@palmerslaw.co.uk.