Law firm Partner to present education award - Palmers Solicitors
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Law firm Partner to present education award

Law firm Partner to present education award

Palmers Solicitors is proud to announce that Partner Carey Jacobs has been chosen to judge a category of the Thurrock Education Awards.

The law firm will be sponsoring the Enterprise and Employability category which aims to recognise an individual or team that identifies how enterprise and employability skills can be developed across the curriculum and how they are bringing them to life by engaging with local businesses.

Carey said: “Having been born, brought up and educated in Thurrock, it is a real privilege now to be involved in judging awards for education across the borough. Last year’s awards saw, without exception, well-deserving winners and I am eagerly anticipating similar outstanding nominees for this brand new category.”

Roger Edwardson, Interim Strategic Lead for School Improvement Learning and Skills, commented: “Over recent years, schools in Thurrock have improved dramatically resulting in 75 per cent of schools being judged good or better by Ofsted. Whilst we recognise that we still have work to do, we are keen to celebrate excellence in teaching in Thurrock. Our most recent GCSE results demonstrate how well pupils in Thurrock achieve, with Thurrock results continuing to be above the National average for the percentage of pupils attaining 5 A*-C GSCEs including English and maths. The Council is committed to creating a great place for learning and opportunities, ensuring its young people are best equipped to take advantage of the improving job opportunities provided by businesses in Thurrock.”

The awards will be presented on Friday 20 November 2015 in Purfleet.