Organisation Diversity Data for Palmers Solicitors - Palmers Solicitors
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Palmers Solicitors

Organisation Diversity Data for Palmers Solicitors


As a result of the Legal Services Board’s initiative to promote social mobility and diversity in the legal sector, all firms regulated by the SRA are required to collect, report and publish data about the diversity make-up of their workforce.

Everyone at the firm must be given an opportunity to provide this data but individuals are not under any legal or regulatory obligation to complete the questionnaire or provide their diversity data. Further guidance about the diversity data that needs to be collected is available on the SRA website here

It is the firm’s responsibility to advise people working at the firm what the data is to be used for, who will have access and to ensure that the data is collected, processed and reported in accordance with data protection legislation.

The aggregated workforce diversity data must be reported through this Organisation Diversity Data section in mySRA which can only be viewed by Authorised Signatories and Organisation Contacts. The various categories of diversity data are presented in separate sections on this site and the headings are below.

If you have any queries please contact us.