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‘Temporary’ planning rules permitting larger extensions now made permanent

‘Temporary’ planning rules permitting larger extensions now made permanent

Temporary rules, introduced by the Government in 2013, that allow homeowners in England to build larger extensions without seeking planning permission are being made permanent, ministers have announced.

The rules mean that homeowners can add single story rear extensions of up to six metres to semi-detached and terraced houses and of up to eight metres to detached houses.

Since the rules were introduced on a temporary basis in 2013, 110,000 have added extensions to their homes that would previously have required planning permission.

Nicola Tubbs, Palmers’ Supervising Partner for Residential Property, said: “It is important to remember that the relaxation of planning laws does not mean home owners have carte blanche to simply go ahead and extend their homes without following proper procedures.

“They must continue to notify the local authority of their intentions and the local authority will, in turn, inform their neighbours.

“If concerns are raised, the local authority will review whether the plans would harm the character of the local area or affect people’s enjoyment of it. If the plans are indeed found to be detrimental to the local area, the local authority has the power to block them.”

Martin Tett, planning spokesman at the Local Government Association, said: “The planning process exists for a reason. We do not believe this right should be made permanent until an independent review is carried out of its impact, both on neighbouring residents and businesses, and also the capacity of local planning departments.”

If you wish to extend your property but you have planning concerns or you are involved in a dispute relating to proposed construction work on a neighbouring property, please contact our legal experts for advice.