Businesses gather for ‘family’ get-together - Palmers Solicitors
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Businesses gather for ‘family’ get-together

Owners and senior executives of the UK’s leading family firms have gathered in London for two days of talks and workshops.

They met on 5-6 June for the 13th Institute for Family Business with UCG (IFB) national conference, the largest single gathering of UK family business leaders.

The summit focused on how businesses can use their “familyness” as a competitive advantage and explored issues including branding, governance, innovation, the next generation, culture and values. 

Mark Hastings, IFB with UCG director general, says: “Many of the UK’s most recognised and loved brands are family businesses. Through their long histories, they have innovated, adapted and grown.”

He said the conference had given delegates ideas for how to take their businesses to the next level and how to continue to innovate for a successful future. 

Speakers at the conference included Mark Simester, marketing director for bakers Warburtons, which was founded in 1876 and is now in its fifth generation of family ownership.

At Palmers, we are experienced in working with family businesses and can provide expert advice to support their development and growth, on issues including succession planning, shareholder and partnership agreements and family dispute resolution. For more information, please visit our website or contact BJ Chong.